Class 6 Geography Chapter 5 Major Domains Of The Earth Solutions

Textbook Questions

Important Questions | Extra Questions

Class 6 Geography Chapter 5 Major Domains Of The Earth Important Questions | Extra Questions

Question 1: How is life possible on the earth?

Answer: Life-sustaining elements like land, water and air make life possible on the earth.

Question 2: What is lithosphere?

Answer: The word lithosphere is derived from the Greek word ‘lithos’ meaning stone and ‘sphere’ meaning globe. Thus, the solid portion of the earth on which we live is called the lithosphere.

Question 3: What is the composition of the lithosphere?

Answer: It comprises rocks of the earth’s crust and the outer thin layer of soil containing nutrient elements that support life.

Question 4: What are the major divisions of the earth’s surface?

Answer: The earth’s surface is divided into two major divisions. The continents or the large landmasses and the ocean basins or the huge water bodies.

Question 5: How is the elevation of land measured?

Answer: The elevation of the land is measured from the level of the sea which is taken as zero.

Question 6: Name the highest and the deepest places of the earth.

Answer: Mount Everest is the highest point with a height of about 8,848 m above the sea level and the deepest place is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean which is 11,022 m below the sea level.

Question 7: Describe the features of the Asia continent.

Answer: (i) It is the largest continent on the earth.

(ii) It covers about one-third of the total land mass of the earth.

(iii) It lies in the Eastern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Cancer passes through it.

(iv) It is separated from Europe by the Ural Mountains on the west.

Question 8: Discuss some features of the Europe continent.

Answer: (i) It lies in the west of the Asia.

(ii) The Arctic Circle passes through it.

(iii) It is surrounded by water bodies on three sides.

Question 9: Write important features of the African continent.

Answer: (i) It is the second-largest continent after Asia.

(ii) The Tropic of Cancer, The Equator, and The Tropic of Capricorn pass through it.

(iii) The world’s largest desert Sahara is located here.

(iv) The world’s longest river Nile passes through it.

Question 10: Describe the important features of the North American continent.

Answer: (i) It is the third largest continent of the world.

(ii) It is linked to South America by a narrow strip of land called the Isthmus of Panama.

(iii) It lies completely in the Northern and Western Hemisphere.

Question 11: Write some of the important features of the South American continent.

Answer: (i) It lies completely in the Southern Hemisphere.

(ii) The world’s longest mountain range, The Andes runs through its length from North to South.

(iii) The world’s largest river Amazon passes through it.

Question 12: Write some features of the Antarctica continent.

Answer: (i) It lies in the Southern Hemisphere.

(ii) The South Pole lies at the center of this continent.

(iii) It is permanently covered with thick ice sheets with no permanent human settlement.

Question 13: Why do we face a shortage of water, despite the Earth being a ‘Blue Planet’?

Answer: It is because 97% of the earth’s water is found in oceans and is too salty for consumption. A small percentage of the remaining water is available as fresh water for human consumption.

Question 14: What are the five major oceans present on the earth?

Answer: The Pacific Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The Southern Ocean and The Arctic Ocean.

Question 15: Write important points about The Pacific Ocean.

Answer: The Pacific Ocean is the largest and it covers about one-third of the total earth’s surface. Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the earth lies here. It is surrounded by continents like Asia, Australia, North and South America.

Question 16: Why is The Atlantic Ocean considered as the ideal location for natural harbours and ports?

Answer: The coastline of The Atlantic Ocean is highly indented and irregular making it an ideal location for natural harbours and ports.

Question 17: What is the atmosphere? What is its importance?

Answer: The thin layer of gases that surrounds the earth is called the atmosphere. It provides us with the air we breathe and protects us from the harmful rays of the sun.

Question 18: Why is carbon dioxide an important constituent of air?

Answer: Carbon dioxide is an important constituent of air as it helps to keep the earth’s surface warm by absorbing the heat radiated by the earth. It is also essential for the growth of plants.

Question 19: How does the density of the atmosphere vary with height?

Answer: The density of the atmosphere is maximum at the sea level and decreases as we go up.

Question 20: What is a biosphere?

Answer: The narrow zone of contact between the land, water and air making a favorable condition for life to exist is called the biosphere.

Question 21: What is global warming?

Answer: The increase in global temperatures due to the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide present in the air is called global warming.

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