Class 8 Maths Chapter 1 Rational Numbers Solutions
In Class 8 Maths Chapter 1 Solutions you will find solutions to various exercises provided in chapter 1 of the class 8 textbook. Chapter 1 Rational numbers has only one exercise for the students to practice, so the students are advised to practice examples given in the textbook along with the exercise, and if possible students can turn towards some extra questions related to the topics given in the chapter.
Class 8 Maths Chapter 1 Rational Numbers Exercise 1.1 Solutions

Important topics discussed in this chapter are:
- What are Rational Numbers?
- Whole Numbers are closed under addition and multiplication but not closed under subtraction and division.
- Integers and Rational Numbers are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication but not closed under division.
- Addition and multiplication of Whole Numbers, Integers and Rational Numbers are commutative.
- Addition and multiplication of Whole Numbers, Integers and Rational Numbers are associative.
- Zero is an additive identity for Rational Numbers, Whole Numbers and Integers.
- 1 is the multiplicative identity for Rational Numbers, Whole Numbers as well as Integers.
- Distributivity for rational numbers.