Class 8 Maths Chapter 2 Linear Equations in One Variable Solutions
Linear Equations in one Variable is the second chapter of Class 8 Maths. Class 8 Maths Chapter 2 Solutions will provide you with answers to the various exercises given in Chapter 2. These solutions are designed in accordance with the latest syllabus issued by the NCERT. There are a total of two exercises given in this chapter and students are advised to go through each exercise thoroughly and solve all the questions given in the exercises as these questions will make you well aware of how to solve various linear equations as they are going to form basics of the upcoming classes.
Class 8 Maths Chapter 2 Linear Equations in One Variable Exercise 2.1 Solutions

Important topics covered in this chapter are:
- Basics of algebraic expressions.
- What are expressions with one variable?
- What are linear expressions?
- Algebraic equations are equality involving variables.
- Solving algebraic equations containing variables on both sides of the equation.
- Substituting values of variables in the given equations to check your results.
- Simplifying and reducing equations to simpler forms.