Class 8 Maths Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Solutions
The third chapter in the Class 8 Maths textbook is Understanding Quadrilaterals. Class 8 Maths Chapter 3 Solutions covers all the topics given in the chapter in accordance with the latest syllabus issued by the NCERT. These solutions will help the students to solve the various problems given in the chapter with ease. Students are advised to solve some extra questions along with the exercises of this chapter to deepen their knowledge about Quadrilaterals. This chapter includes four exercises and solving each exercise in a sequential order is advised.
Class 8 Maths Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals Exercise 3.1 Solutions

Important topics covered in Understanding Quadrilateral are:
- Types of curves.
- Polygon and its types.
- Concave and Convex Polygons.
- Difference between regular and irregular polygons.
- The sum of exterior angles of any polygon is 360°.
- Quadrilateral and its types.
- Trapezium and its properties.
- Kite and its properties.
- Parallelogram and its various properties.
- Opposite sides of parallelograms are equal.
- Opposite angles of parallelograms are equal.
- The sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180°.
- Diagonals of parallelograms bisect each other.
- Rhombus and how it is different from kite.
- Rectangle and its various properties.
- Square and properties of square.
- Difference between square, rectangle, rhombus and parallelogram.