Class 8 Maths Chapter 5 Square and Square Roots Exercise 5.2

New books of Class 8 Maths have been issued by the NCERT implementing National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) across India. Now, the Class 8 Maths syllabus has been reduced tremendously to lessen the burden of textbooks on the children. Class 8 Maths Solutions are designed to help the students to get along with the…
In Class 8 Maths Chapter 1 Solutions you will find solutions to various exercises provided in chapter 1 of the class 8 textbook. Chapter 1 Rational numbers has only one exercise for the students to practice, so the students are advised to practice examples given in the textbook along with the exercise, and if possible…
Class 8 maths Chapter 4 Solutions are provided here. Data Handling is Chapter 4 of the Class 8 Maths textbook where you will learn how to analyse and organise data into forms which is easy to understand and interpret. Solutions given to the respective questions are designed by keeping in mind the rationalization of the…
Class 8 Maths Chapter 3 Exercise-3.2 Solutions helps the students to solve the 2nd exercise of Understanding Quadrilaterals. This exercise has questions related to the concept that a regular polygon has equal sides and equal angles and an important property that you are going to use for the lifelong i.e. every polygon has its exterior…
Here you have been provided with Class 8 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise-2.1 Solutions. These solutions address the problems faced by the students in solving the respective exercise of the chapter and are formulated keeping in mind the new syllabus of NCERT. The exercise contains a total of 10 questions which can easily be solved if…
Linear Equations in one Variable is the second chapter of Class 8 Maths. Class 8 Maths Chapter 2 Solutions will provide you with answers to the various exercises given in Chapter 2. These solutions are designed in accordance with the latest syllabus issued by the NCERT. There are a total of two exercises given in…