Class 9 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise-2.2 Solutions
The second exercise of Chapter 2 Polynomials is wholly based on the topic of zeros of a polynomial where you can find questions related to finding zeros of a particular polynomial and checking whether given values are zeros of a particular polynomial. There are a total of four questions in this exercise and each question has been divided into numerous parts and Class 9 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise-2.2 Solutions is going to really help you in solving the questions of the respective exercise.
1. Find the value of the polynomial 5x – 4x2 + 3 at (i) x = 0 (ii) x = -1 (iii) x = 2

2. Find p(0), p(1) and p(2) for each of the following polynomials:

3. Verify whether the following are zeros of the polynomial, indicated against them.

4. Find the zero of the polynomial in each of the following cases: